Dear Shitdisturber,

Someone at school is bullying me and they wont back off i tell them to stop but they just keep going and going on and on teasing for whatever reason they can find or make up, its pissing me off and idk what to do.

Sierra, 15

Okay if they mess with you again then just say "ill cut a hole in your scrotum, stick an M80 in there, and blow your genitals off, and ill make you FUCKING ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or, "IM GOING TO RIP OFF YOUR FUCKING BALLS AND FEED THEM TO THE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA!" .. well if theyre guys.. if theyre girls then simply say

"Hmm...I dont know what your probelm is...but I'm going to bet it's really hard to pronounce..." then walk away

trust me they wouldnt know what hit them, just walk away after you say this and theyll be left not knowing what the hell just happened.



  Dear Shitdisturber,

How do you get your mom to stop yelling at you!?
shawna, 14
Tape her mouth?..


  Dear shitdisturber,

my house is a hell hole i can never leave unless i sneak out or go to school i need my time alone i live with 6 people and there all insane they drive me crazy up and down the walls i HATE it I'm almost 18 and I'm being treated like I'm only 12  I'm doing every thing i can to stay out I'm doing tons of chores just so i can see my friends what should i do or say to bring up that I'm a young adult and i need room to grow?

- seedling waiting to sprout! 
You already answered your question! say "youre almost an adult and you need room to grow"!!
if i were the godfather id have them killed but i cant do much at this point



  Dear shitdisturber,

im all ways grounded cause i can never do anything right i hate it, just hate it. When im not grounded, im free for a few days then it hits me in the face and im grounded again. what should i do?

-kiki "-",?
Wear a mustache, NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW. Theyll just think youre some lost little mexican child and give you food and let you come and go as you please. Trust me. I did the math. ITS FULLPROOF!


 Dear shitdisturber,

my boyfriend wants to go further in our "sexual" relationship, but i dont know if im ready, weve been dating 4 months now and all weve done is make out. He wants to do more stuff but im not sure. what should i do?

katy, 13

WHAT THE FUCK youre only 13! you whore! i shouldve killed you at birth you nasty abortion baby.

the answers no. wait till youre older


 Dear shittdisturber,

i want to get an xbox but i dont have any money. Any fast ways to get some?

eric, 15

xbox?? what the hell EVOLVE!!!! any "fast ways to get some?..." hmm.. whores. Work a corner


Dear shittdisturber,

Are aliens real? and is 2012 going to happen

anna, 14

 Dont let your mind wander. its way to  small to be outside by its fucking self

 Dear shitdisturber,

Whats a Churro?

Apollo, 14

.....its everything you could possibly ask for


 Dear shitdisturber,

How do i get taller? im only 5'1 i hate being short so any fast ways to get taller??

Darren, 16

What? sorry cant hear you down there. eat your vegitables you fucking leaperachaun!


 Dear shitDisturber,

Today everyone was proud of me for something i have no clue i even did.. everyone was just like "great job, man" "awesome bro" wtf did i do to make everyone so proud of me.. anyway how do i find out? nobody will tell me anything when i ask they just ignore me and laugh hystarically its starting to piss me off.

Jeremy, 15

I was never proud of you. i shouldve used a condom


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